Wednesday, July 9, 2014

City of Heavenly Fire

City of Heavenly Fire
By: (THE ONE AND ONLY) Cassandra Clare
Rating: 5 Wine Glasses this is it. Its hard to imagine that this series is done. Whenever you finish a book series you can't help but wonder, what the freak am I going to do now? For me finishing the Mortal Instruments had me like "WHATTTT THE FREAK IN HELL DO I DO WITH MY USELESS LIFE NOW?" So yes, writing this review pains me in ways that no book should, because "to love is to destroy" and I have been utterly destroyed.
Before I started City of Heavenly Fire, I WAS 100% Positive I was going to have my heart BROKEN, SHATTERED, AND BEATEN TO A PULP.
(this is Cassandra Clare after all) She LOVESS causing pain. So I was ready to have my heart run over by a bunch of 2 ton MONSTER trucks, and shredded apart by vicious lions.


ANDDDD The Monster Trucks looked a little more like this...

This Book was UNPREDICTABLE, YES. Cassandra Clare can do that. She's one of my favorite authors for that very reason. My heart WAS(PAST TENSE) crushed, but let me say this THE EPILOGUE IS OUR SAVING GRACE. I have NEVER in my entire life been more grateful for an epilogue.

 I LOVE LOVE LOVE this series with everything in me. Finishing it sucked, but somewhere deep deep (IM TALKING Marianas trench deep) inside me, I know I'm happy for my beloved characters, and that they finished there adventure in a satisfying way.
She finished this series off with a Bang. Sure I felt at times that she could have shortened it, but I'm not complaining because those pages were all I was going to get with my favorite Characters. and let me tell you, the characters were more Fabulous then EVER, dare I say! :) Our ships were in full sail...(at least most of them). AND MY CLACE FEEEELLLSSS WERE EVERYWHERE. There were a few characters that I admired a bit more then others. Izzy WAS PERFECT her sassiness never fails to make me laugh. JACE IS JUST THE BEST THING NEXT TO CHRISTMAS. One of my all time favorite book boyfriends. Simon, oh gosh. I have to say, I give Simon the FREAKING GOLDEN RIBBON OF RIBBONS for being the BESTEST FRIEND clary could EVER ask for. Simon is so Selfless, and I cant think of Simon without knowing that Clary is right next to him. And the beautiful thing is we all know Simon loved Clary, it was so obvious at the end that he moved on, but still loved Clary in the way that she needed.
Cassandra has been breaking hearts Since City of Bones, but City of Heavenly Fire is where she heals them.
P.S. Thanks For the Final Band name Cassandra ;)

Stay Drunk....on Books,


  1. I so agree with your review right now. The ending while sad was beautifully perfect! Awesome review.

    New follower!

    Sharrice @Reese's Reviews

    1. Thank you so much Sharrice! :) Ill make sure to follow you back! Thanks for stopping by! :)
